Familie Putz goes Hollywood - The Movie

The first movie with advertising testimonials
Light! Camera! Action!

The Putz family has been a part of Austria for 25 years. But after such a long time, something had to change and a new challenge was needed.

On April 1st, the time had come. The Putz family announced their retirement from the world of advertising. Their next stop: Hollywood, to establish themselves there and emerge as big stars. All of Austria was shocked, until the news turned out to be an April Fool's joke. Only for the much bigger news to be announced: an actual Hollywood film starring the Putz family.

In a mockumentary style, we followed the family as they found their way in their new everyday life, with American customs and the absence of XXXLutz. They tried their luck in an acting job, caused chaos on the Walk of Fame and attempted their luck in Las Vegas. Ixi and Putzi actually found the latter: in a wedding chapel, where they both said "I do".

And as you would expect from a blockbuster, the film made it to the big screen and onto TV, where the whole of Austria got to see it during prime time.

But it wasn't just one movie. We cut short films from the various scenes, similar to episodes of a Netflix series, which served as TV commercials for several months. This resulted in 12 TV commercials without any extra effort. In addition, there were 16 radio spots and several content pieces that we played out on social media channels during the campaign period. All under one insight that everyone could relate to: "There's no place like home!"